If you live in the UK and are bored enough to watch MTV, you may have seen this already. For the rest of the world, this video from chiptune musician Superpowerless will be delightfully new to you. The song, “Wasted my Time,” is about spending your whole life playing video games – a predicament most of us can relate to. But the video is enough to make any gaming geek drool.
It’s set in a pseudo-video game world, complete with balloons, cardboard boxes, random coins and pop-up score bubbles to tell the player how he’s doing. There are elements of Super Mario Bros, Pac-Man, Mario Kart, maybe a little Metroid, a little Street Fighter and a few others – but the greatest element, of course, is that the player is actually living in the video game. We’ve been having that dream for years.
Most of us certified geeks grew up playing the Legend of Zelda games. In fact, most of us are still playing them. Thanks to the breathtakingly excellent site Nintendo Papercraft, it's now a little easier to enjoy all of your favorite characters and other game elements in three glorious dimensions.…
When you spend hours upon hours playing a video game, all of the sounds and songs that are repeated over and over in the game tend to become a part of your permanent memory. Even if you put the game away for years, hearing one of those sounds again can…
What is a hungry geek to do when it's dinner time but video games are calling? If that hungry geek is tinkerer extraordinaire Ben Heckendorn, he'll build some kind of awesome gadget to let him enjoy food and gaming at the same time. Heckendorn, better known as Ben Heck, shows…