Regardless of how you feel about the whole steampunk trend in general, it would be hard to deny that the above modded XBox 360 controller from MorbidStix is way impressive. The plastic cover and components have been replaced with an antique burl wood finish and awesome bronze buttons. Real leather and wood accents add to the antique look. A skeleton key continues the theme and kind of adds a bit of mystique to the design.

The triggers and bumper buttons are wood, too, and probably give the controller a nice firm feel in the hand. But don’t get your hopes up that you’ll be able to own this masterpiece anytime soon – it’s up for auction but the asking price is an insane $999.99. Unless you’re an independently wealthy XBox enthusiast who happens to be a steampunk collector as well, you might just have to settle for admiring this awesome mod from afar.

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