Stick Them Up! Post-It Note Gun Means (Funny) Business

No matter how great your workplace is, the chances are that it could use a bit more fun – couldn’t they all? This design from Alex Marshall promises to add lots of fun and silliness to any office environment. Just aim, point, and let loose your Post-It notes of fury! It would be very difficult to avoid plastering every available surface with sticky notes when the dispenser is as fun to use as this one undoubtedly would be.

The Post-It Rifle has been designed in two models: high contrast and steampunk. For the more traditional environment, the grey and white high contrast rifle will fit in nicely with the drab office decor. For the more creative and modern offices, steampunk is a fun color scheme.

As unpleasant as it is to think about any kind of guns in the workplace, we can see how a gadget like this could help break up the tension in difficult meetings or get the laughter flowing in brainstorming sessions. Laughter is one of the best ways to stimulate creativity, so go ahead and use the Post-It Rifle to stick your latest sketches to your boss’s forehead – you might just find that laughter turning into a serious discussion of your ideas!

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See more in Gaming & Geek or under Gadgets. May, 2010.